CBD oil is becoming increasingly well-liked for many problems, including pain reduction, nausea suppression, anxiety alleviation, and a good night’s sleep. It seems that a pregnant woman might think about taking it to treat the negative consequences of pregnancy. But is CBD oil safe to use during pregnancy? Maybe or maybe not it depends but first and foremost talk to your medical provider before consuming CBD products.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance that grows in hemp and marijuana plants. Since most CBD lacks THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it does not provide the same intoxication “high” as marijuana used for recreational purposes. There are about 5 different ways that CBD oil is extracted and processed. Some are all natural extractions and some use chemicals to extract the CBD from the hemp plants. CBD is accessible as tablets, gels, gummies, vape oils, topicals, and oral tinctures, among other forms.
Are there any consequences of CBD consumption in pregnant women?
The effects of CBD on a growing fetus, a pregnant woman, or a breastfed child have not been thoroughly studied. The FDA is still gathering and researching information about the potential negative effects of CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The FDA, however, asserts that there are sufficient grounds for worry in light of what is now known.
Male fetuses’ developing reproductive systems had issues when high amounts of CBD were administered to pregnant test animals. In addition, the FDA anticipates that some CBD may pass via breast milk to newborns based on what they already know about CBD.
The FDA also warns that there is a chance that CBD products might be contaminated with THC or other drugs that could harm an unborn child or a newborn who has been nursed. They are also looking at claims that CBD may include other pollutants, including pesticides, heavy metals, germs, and fungi
In addition, CBD may pose certain dangers if they include these pollutants. Depending on results from human clinical research, dangers may include:
- severe drowsiness
- liver toxicity (damage)
- adverse medication interactions;
The FDA is also researching the impacts of CBD usage from several perspectives, including
(1) the consequences of taking CBD-containing products over a person’s life; and
(2) combining these various products.
There are several unsolved concerns regarding the quality, safety, and science of CBD-containing products.
The FDA wants to make additional research about the effects of CBD on pregnant women and nursing mothers, such as whether and to what degree the presence of CBD in human milk is harmful to the nursing infant or the mother’s ability to produce milk.
Do I need to take CBD oil?
As a mother, taking CBD oil can be based solely in personal prefernces. However, as a pregnant mother the reverse is the case. Due to the inadequate data on the safety of CBD in these populations, the FDA highly discourages its use by pregnant and nursing women. The FDA strongly warns against using tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or during nursing, according to a statement on its website.
Final thoughts.
The FDA advises against consuming cannabis products while pregnant since it might endanger you and your unborn child. With any other medicine please make sure you discuss with your medical providers.
Using a topical for aches and pains associated with pregnancy may be a best option due to the fact that topicals do not tend to go to the blood stream and are only skin deep. However even with a topical the suggestion would be to talk to a health provider. If you are looking for a quality product check out Jade’s Botanical Garden.

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